Are you having issues with your mortgage company? Have you been forced to file bankruptcy because there were no other options? Do you believe that you owe more than your house is worth? Are you behind on your payments, received a notice from your lending institution demanding payment, or maybe you are in the foreclosure process?
When the housing bubble burst, the lenders went to their friends in Congress for a bail out, at our expense, because we have the best government their money could buy. They took billions of dollars but refused to reduce the loan amounts on our homes.
We need to realize and accept the fact that our government and Congress cannot or will not protect us. So often, it just seems hopeless for many homeowners.
The purpose of this website is to assist homeowners like you and Attorneys alike to fight the housing crisis which affects us all by providing the tools and information needed to encourage your lender to reach an affordable settlement.
Most lenders have blatantly engaged in unethical and illegal practices which makes them a target for litigation; however, these same lenders are very large and powerful with unlimited resources to hire the best lawyers. This makes it all but impossible for an individual homeowner to receive a fair and just settlement. In many cases lenders are putting homeowners into loan modifications, only to end up foreclosing. Why? Because many loan modifications do not reduce the principal balance and the mortgage payments are still too high. The homeowner ends up in the same situation as when they started.
To avoid this, we will provide you with effective information that can make a significant difference in dealing with your lender which could affect the amount of your mortgage payments.
We work with homeowners who are victims of the situation we describe. In most cases we can provide you with an effective solution in solving your problem. We do not charge a consulting fee ever.
You will be asked specific questions about your mortgage to determine if your particular situation qualifies you for our type of services or if you need the assistance of an Attorney. If you are currently working with an Attorney, considering bankruptcy or are currently in a bankruptcy, we may be able to assist you. We will spend the amount of time needed to determine your situation and provide you with a solution.
For those of you facing foreclosure or are in a bankruptcy, you need to know exactly what your options are and we can help you in this process.
You may have specific time frames in which to act. If you do nothing you could eventually lose your home.
Call or email us for a free evaluation or if you have any questions. You can reach us at the phone numbers or email listed below.
Phone: (702) 751-2994
Email: [email protected]
SINCE 2008
A Brixton International Subsidiary
A Brixton International Subsidiary